The Life Of A Catcher

Catcher specific information to discuss and learn from...

Arm Strength Tips & Exercises

Aug 31, 2017

Every aspect of a catcher's "GAME" is important, and although most coaches would say that their receiving and blocking ability are the most important, their throwing ability is normally the "measuring stick" by which opponents and peers judge their defense. Their value to the team is often based on how they throw to the bases.  

Most would agree that a catcher who possesses a strong and accurate throwing arm with a quick release will always add to a team's success. This combination of attributes is ideal, but also RARE.

With all that said, there are a few important components to a "strong throwing arm."  Those components are listed below.


If you want to get your chest stronger, what do you do? You do bench press and push ups, etc.  You want to get your legs stronger, you do squats and lunges, etc.  You want to get your arm stronger... you need to throw and work out your "throwing muscles!"  Although some coaches aren't, I'm a big fan of...

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